Truffle Risotto

Gli Aironi


27,20 €/kg 250g
6,80 €

Shipping methods

standard delivery

4-5 working days

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The Truffle Risotto from Gli Aironi combines the delicateness of the best carnaroli rice with the unmistakable touch of flavour from the exquisite truffle. Furthermore, it is not precooked, but only moistened with vegetable broth. Then, it is freeze-dried and then flavoured with the best truffles...and is then ready in only a few minutes! Finally, thanks to the careful selection by Eataly, it is possible to enjoy a high quality meal whenever you want!

If you are passionate about the Truffle Risotto from Gli Aironi don't miss the pack available from Dispensa di Eataly!

27,20 €/kg 250g
6,80 €

Shipping methods

standard delivery

4-5 working days

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