Wholemeal Rye Flour

Mulino Marino


6,80 €/kg 1kg
6,80 €

Shipping methods

standard delivery

4-5 working days

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The Mullino Marino a pietra biological of Langa is located in Cossano Belbo (CN). The history of the mill is very ancient. Today, three generations of Marinos work together with passion to carry on the art of stone milling. To avoid 'burning' the wheat, the large circular French stones must be hammered by hand every week. Marino only uses the best wheat in the world, all organic and GMO free. They are also specialists in the rare 'eight row' maize, which is called that way due to the number of rows of the maize.

6,80 €/kg 1kg
6,80 €

Shipping methods

standard delivery

4-5 working days

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