Whole Porcini Mushrooms

Dario Previdi


65,36 €/kg 280g
18,30 €

Shipping methods

standard delivery

4-5 working days

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The Whole Porcini Mushrooms from Piemont Fungo is a product with an authentic flavour as when processing them, they are steamed, as this is considered the healthiest and most dietary way for preparing food. The use of relatively low temperatures keep the flavours and aromas almost unaltered, with a very low loss of vitamins and mineral salts. Piemont Fungo has been specialised for years in the artisan preparation of mushrooms and typical products, respecting antique traditions. Skilfully combining craftsmanship and technology, they select the best ingredients that are processed in an exclusive manner to provide the customer with a superior quality product.
65,36 €/kg 280g
18,30 €

Shipping methods

standard delivery

4-5 working days

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